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Psychology in the News

Child moving into an MRI scan machine
Minoritized groups face high anxiety when taking part in research experiments
Preadolescent girls used an MRI scanner in UC Riverside-led study
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Bob Rosenthal
Psychology research 'giant' Robert Rosenthal has died
Robert Rosenthal, a father of meta-analysis who was named one of the 20th century's top 100 psychologists, died Jan. 5 at 90. Twenty-five years ago, following his retirement from Harvard University, Rosenthal joined the UC Riverside faculty. He was named a University Professor in 2008 by the University of California system, a distinction shared by only 40 professors in UC’s history.   He retired from his full-time UCR professorship in spring 2018 but continued teaching part-time in UCR’s Graduate Division through fall quarter 2023. 
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Senior citizen driving a car
Older adults are more easily distracted
While engaged in a physical task requiring effort, such as driving a car or carrying grocery bags, older adults are more likely than younger adults to be distracted by items irrelevant to the task at hand, a University of California, Riverside, study reports. The study assessed the interaction between physical exertion and short-term memory performance when distractors were present or absent in younger and older adults. 
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Drinking alcohol while breastfeeding
Boozing while breastfeeding impacts health of newborns
Studies have shown that consuming alcohol during pregnancy can alter the brain and behavioral development of gestating offspring. Currently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises against maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy and state that there is no known safe level of consumption. What are the consequences, however, of mothers consuming alcohol while breastfeeding? A research team at the University of California, Riverside, performed a mouse study to find out.
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