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Behavioral Neuroscience


The Behavioral Neuroscience Program is largely focused on studying the mammalian neocortex and the complex behaviors that arise from its function. We use different animal models to understand the development of cortical circuits and their function as well as the mechanisms involved in neural plasticity. To this effect, we study a range of neuro-behavioral processes such as those involved in sensory systems and perception, neurodevelopmental disorders, distractor attenuation, cortical map plasticity as well as learning and memory. Across our program, we engage in multiple levels of analysis which range from genetics and biochemistry to synaptic plasticity, to electrophysiological mapping, population imaging, and behavior. Faculty in the area are experts in a range of fields related to psychology and neuroscience. These include the neurobiology of memory, cortical network dynamics, neocortical reorganization, neocortical mechanisms underlying attention and prediction, and developmental disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorders stemming from disruptions in Fragile X Messenger Ribonucleoprotein 1  and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. Graduate students in the Behavioral Neuroscience Program are a part of the Graduate Program in Psychology but also participate in the Interdepartmental Neuroscience Graduate Program and are well integrated with the students there. The synthesis of the two graduate programs provides a strong breadth of experience from faculty across the campus with interests that range from molecular neuroscience to systems biology and human brain imaging as well as behavioral neuroscience.