Department of Psychology

Research Centers
The Psychology department is affiliated with several centers and initiatives that enrich the research environment.
Brain Game Center
The UC Riverside Brain Game Center for Mental Fitness and Well-Being (UCR Brain Game Center) mission is to research, test, and disseminate game software instrumented with expert knowledge to optimize human brain processes. Our goal is to make scientifically principled brain games that translate to optimal performance in real-life activities.
Center for Advanced Neuroimaging
The UC Riverside Center for Advanced Neuroimaging (UCR CAN) is a new multidisciplinary imaging facility adjacent to the Psychology building. The Center houses a state-of-the-art 3 T Siemens Prisma MRI scanner and an MRI-compatible 64-channel EEG system. Several radio frequency coils are available for use including a 64-channel head/neck and a 32-channel head coil that allow for the acquisition of data with temporal and spatial resolution comparable to that acquired in the Human Connectome Project.
High-Performance Computing Center
The UC Riverside High Performance Computing Center (HPCC) provides state-of-the-art research computing infrastructure and training to all UCR researchers and affiliates at low cost.
Other Resources
Electrophysiology Labs
Multiple labs are equipped with EEG systems.
Animal Facilities
Full veterinary services and vivaria typical of a major research university with a medical school are conveniently available on campus. The UC Riverside Office of Campus Veterinarians (OCV) oversees several animal facilities on campus.
Other Core Facilities
Core facilities on the campus of particular interest to behavioral neuroscientists and those in related research domains include access to a variety of instrumentation such as confocal microscopy, bioinformatics, gene sequencing, etc.